Sunday, April 26, 2009


IF YOU SEE YOUR FACE IN THE PICTURE ABOVE,i have a v urgent message to put across!!!

hahahaaa this is the only picture i can find where everyones in it.hmm which day do ur end the earliest?lalala wc still owe us dimsum treat LOL!:D


anw a brief summary of the 1st week in school.hmm,i shall just summarise in point forms:

-my class is a hilarious bunch of peeps,like this guy puts his face as his desktop wallpaper and made us all laughed like shit.and he plays dota like 24/7.hardcore!!

-i like to eat in koufu but its always packed during lunch hour so sandra,odelia and i will always pack our things 1 min before lecture/tutorial ends and chiongggg (: yes,hunger makes a person kiasu.

-after attending classes for all the subjects,i still am not sure whats the difference between inorganic and physical science.yes i only remembered one studys the periodic table more in depth?

-we need to make a video and post it on youtube for chemistry.clearly,our lecturer is hipzz yo.oh and our maths lecturer is funny!!hes the kind of i cant rmb,he uses 'wildcard' and 'joker' to represent numbers etc.

-i kinda prefer lecture to tutorial cos the latter seems more intimidating.i scaredddd.make me pee in my pants only.

-ive memorised the 46 hiragana characters, i just hope it will stay in my brain permanently.i wonder,with advanced technology to the extent where they have a techno privacy scarf which looks like this:

i know like wth right?!! anw my point is,why couldnt scientists invent more practical things like a pill that helps to boost memory.sth like doraemon's memory bread where u imprint wtv u wanna memorise on the bread and pooof,thats what i called staying in ur brain permanently.ahh how i wish.....

-hm,i signed up for stagearts and that im thinking about it,i shldve joined more,what if i cant get in both?!GASPP.anw fbodies performance is simply every single one of them can dance so well,how on earth am i gonna be on par with them?!in another life,perhaps.hah!

はじみまして huanxuan だおぞよろしくおねがいします!!
(how do you do! my name is huanxuan.nice to meet you)

(: thats the only full sentence my teacher've taught me.hahaha,looking forward to tmr's japanese wheeee.

arigato goizaimasu!!!<3


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