Saturday, March 28, 2009

i wonder if everyone will turn off their lights for that one hour,EARTH HOUR!:D
if u glance across my block afterwards,you might notice the lights are still on for one particular house.yup!! thats my house!! LOL.cos my relatives are too engrossed in playing mahjong i reckon they dont even know its EARTH HOUR!! not that im into the clean and green campaign,heck i dont even use my own (paper,plastic etc)bag every wednesdays for grocery shopping.not that i go to supermarket weekly(omg sound so obasan!).but get the drift((: tmr there will be more flyers to distribute.tmr,i will have to put on that plastic smile and say thank you while distributing and they bloody hell just take!!!!its just a piece of paper for goodness sake! there are so many things u can do with it.

1)call the no if ur interested in the content
2)use it to fan urself
3) throw it into the bin(but i strongly advise against it!!! clean n green campaign rmb?!)
4)use it as draft paper n do ur maths calculations whatever
5)best: bring home and use it to wipe ur asss hah!

k im really being sarcastic cos i am suddenly v annoyed cos its so damn noisy!!!arghhh who invented the mahjong tiles?! the sound of (many) mahjong tiles being rolled over and over again is so ..painfully disturbing to my soft and delicate earsss.HAHA!speaking of delicate,the other day my earring got stuck INSIDE my ear but luckily the doctor managed to get it out,phew.if not i think my ear hole will just get bigger and bigger and BURST!!POOOF AND GONE IT WILL BE!!

anw disappointing it might be,but no I WILL NOT REMOVE THAT PICTURE OF ADAM FRENCH KISSING ANTHR GUY!! hahaah who knows,maybe this photo is worth 1mil bucks on ebay;DDD

i hate this post.
its so lengthy and blahhh.


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