Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i don't know what else to say besides saying i'm extremely tired and my eyes look kinda dead and my brain cells aren't doing their job.
i don't know what else to do besides looking at random pictures and staring into blank space and typing down this post with alphabets.
i don't know what else to eat though i just ate long john sliver,and did i mention i ate exactly the same thing a few days ago.i think im gonna gain at least 1kg.
i don't know what music i should listen to right now cos all im hearing is noises coming from tv and from the living room where my sis's playing the piano.
i don't know what else to watch except antm,real world and gossip girl.speaking of which these are the only shows i watch.besides movies.i kinda prefer reality shows to drama series.I HATE KOREAN DRAMAS!!its always so predictable and cliche.
i don't know what else to feel...is there even such a phrase 'what else to feel'?!as ive mentioned,my brain cells aint doing their job,i think they are still in 'sleep mode',not sure when they'll wake up though.Anw,i'm feeling numb right now,emotionless.dead.hollow.

i don't know what else to type anymore.
thus i will end this post with



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