Thursday, April 2, 2009

i don't even understand what he's speaking,heck.i could play this video over 20 times just to listen to his oh-so-sexy voice and stare into his be-yooo-teeful face.i love how his hands fidget awww hes just so cute and adorable makes me just wanna squeeze his cheeks hah.hmm...could he be my knight in shining armour?*FAINTSS

uploaded by karen,the uber efficient uploader,haha she likes to be called efficient.right karen?:D
anyway,have i mention my orientation is just 3 days away?!?!GASP?!

suddenly,i don't feel like blogging anymore ):
i want to bury myself in bed and never come out,nothing seems to captivate my attention anymore.UNLESS ITS KENICHI MATSUYAMA!!!even his name sounds so sexy and yummy *SLURPP.


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