Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am positively,undoubtedly,assuredly..........NOT GOING TO SCHOOL TMR FOR THE WTV EVENT HAHAHA!(think its more ice-breaking games and stuff like need i tell you my class is alr very bonded we even went to watch the unborn(SUCKY MOVIE),though not everyone went cos some alr went home before we even have the chance to ask them.BUT THE POINT IS:tmr's event is just superfluous.)

i will give u 3 valid reasons why i'm not going.

1)i do not wish to wake up bloody early just to play games and sweat like a pig there!(the duration is from 8.30 til noon and attire:sportswear so i figured we'll be playing some high energy games.)

2)i do not want to waste my money on transport.times are hard.though ive joined the 'PETITION AGAINST HIGH BUS FARE FOR TERTIARY STUDENTS',the government's not hearing our woes are they??!?!

3)i run out of clothes to wear(lie)

anyhow,i shall upload 2 pictures we've taken ystd(me,pris,my cuz).so initially the plan was going to flea titan after dance,though its kinda last min planning but still we didnt go in the end cos the bloody shuttle bus bloody didnt wanna come and when one bus came no one(teenagers like us whom i suppose are heading to flea titan too.) went up and when i was just about to ask the bus driver if its heading to our destination one smart alec had to say 'oh this bus is going to tiong bahru plaza'.so in the end we didnt board the bus and watch it drive off under the heavy rain(**inserts thunderstorm and lightning for the dramatic effect)!!

feeling something amiss,we asked the security guard there and she told us that was the only bus going there,SO WE BLOODY MISSED THE BUS AFTER WAITING FOR LIKE ETERNITY?!?

!!! soooo in the enddddddddd,we just went to bugis hahaha and there were alot of people there too.hmm i wonder is it people these days have alot of cash to spare is like all the shopping malls were so packed!! oh speaking of which,i wanna go to the new shopping centre in tampines,its called T1 if im not wrong??

failed attempt to look cool.

smiling is the safest bet!

the size of my face is comparable to the size of south america!!


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