Monday, October 12, 2009

its official.

i have only left with 155 hours and approx 2 minutes and 35 seconds to live.after the clock tick 12 in 155 hours and approx 1 minute and 42 seconds( oh i can feel time slipping away,ticktockticktock,so quickly!!),i'm gonna be living hell.yes,u got me life isn't a bed of roses anymore,never will be,i can feel the thorns prickling down my flesh as the clock ticks away,minute by minute,hours by i wish i could live like this forever,sleeping in late,using the internet like nobody's business,eating packets of hello panda and not worrying about the weather,yada yada.just shut off everything and live in my own cosy little world.naive of me to actually get used to this lifestyle and SNAP!reality sets sounds foreign to me for the past month,which actually seems like a week now that i think of,but this morning,i happily turned on my computer,ready to spam the internet with much enthusiasim,stupid me went to the school website and curiosity got the better of me,i checked the timetable thinking its still not out yet.never should i ever trust my instinct again...

now i am overwhelmed with sadness and its as if my heart had sunk from 13th storey to the basment much deeper than the 18th level of hell.i bet 'they' can even feel my sadness from there,maybe they are even weeping for me .some people have monday blues on mondays(duh!),i think i have a syndrome called this is longgggg,i think even my family doctor dont know if this syndrome exist cos its too looooooonggg for him to know doesnt mean a doctor knows everything.after all they are only human and a human can only store this much of information,like my 8gb itouch.once the storage space exceed,it prompts:'space exceeded,please delete some items and try again' well,something along this line.and i'm blabbering...

so my timetable is out and after looking at it,i am not happy.not the least.i am so emotional right now that i need dozens of tissue to calm my nerves down.i hate school.thats an understatement.and not to mention i hate practicals more,i dont want to have to wear long pants everyday to school.firstly i dont have a lot of pants to start with,secondly,we the citizens of singapore,have to suffer in this weather which is like the amazon or maybe sahara desert(take ystd's weather as an eg,i bet every household turned on their air-conditioned), and having to wear long pants to school is like telling an eskimo to strip stark in the antarctica.go figure.

i can go on and on about the negative impact it'd cause,having to turn up for school everyday at 9am and the yucky modules thats listed....but i will not go there.

i know it'd kill you,like how it'd already killed me.


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