Wednesday, June 24, 2009

GUESS WHAT!!!! its 5am and i'm still awake!!like still wide-eyed kind of awake.OMGGGG and i have camp on thursdayy.ahh my body works in weird right now,i am darned bored wheras my family members are sleeping like logs and know what,2 hours later,my dad's gonna wake up.should i go say good morning and make him breakfast?lol shitshitshit why arent i feeling tired?i didnt take caffeine nor drink green tea etc...GASP!!is it cos of the coffee cake i ate this morning?!hmm....shall stop eating that.or cakes in general cos it fattening!!!(cream=fat!) anw luckily some dude invented facebook,its the source of my entertainment and,it feels the void in my heart awww.okay i guess this is the result of insomnia....

Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah
Feels like insomnia ah ah, Feels like insomnia ah ah

(anw jo,friday i give you french kiss k.big fat slurps of smooches<3333)
ps:with tongue you want?:p


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