Wednesday, September 9, 2009

okay i prolly am a loser for quitting after day one lol.but you had no idea how much courage ive mustered up to utter 'i am quitting'(somewhere along this line cos i cant rmb the actual words,plus,i dont wanna rmb.its sucha awkward,weird,painful,etc experience,i mean going there to return the uniform part) anw the best thing is i didnt even get a single cent but guess i derserve it huh):.

i was never good with directions nor numbers, day one my fellow collegue was telling me eg'4 cups of water at table 14' n i didnt even know wt heck table 14 is and i had to actually get her to point to me so i think im more of a hindrance than help to them haha.thankfully none of them reprimanded me when i told them i'm quitting,i mean the staffs there.pheww my heart was beating at 98765 times per second while on the way walking to cp.but i guess i will miss the people there,sorta.managed to make a few acquaintances esp i find the auntie there damn cute.everytime when i went to put the plates she'd talk to me like'oh do u have a bf?/my daughter's name also got xuan,what sch u studying at etc' new job at famous amos starts tmr.cant rightfully say im excited for sure,more of nervous maybe.becos its at ion orchard and there will surely be lots of people,like duh.

hopefully,this job can stay permanent(;

anw please watch this i gaurantee you will fall for him like how i did a million years ago too.LOL


Blogger Demi said...

haheho. thurs what time you end work, text me : ) and bring my cookiesss

September 16, 2009 at 3:43 PM  

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