Tuesday, February 10, 2009

bugis or far east?


k anw have been spending alot lately.shouldve felt remorseful and guilty cos after all.......it wasnt even my money to begin with.k is swear after tmr onwards,i must learn to be thrifty like real thrifty.i shall limit myself to spend ONLY $5 a day! say,im going out with my friends,i will:

1)only go window shopping,i will not even buy clothes even if its on MEGASALE(like 2 for $20 kind)
2)go to the nearest kopitiam and order only a teh tarlik n toasted bread for brunch!!
3)walk home even if i live in north pole.

but i were to stay at home,i would:

1)be a diligent and filial daughter and mop&sweep the floor everyday til its squeaky clean
2)meditate on the yoga mat n stay in that position til my dad comes home.
3)do everything,but nothing at the same time.

ta-dah!!! above pointers are excerpted from 'how to NOT burn a hole in your pocket*winks' by yours truly((;

k i know im such a shit hole cos i will never fufil all these requirements.YES REQUIREMENTS!!gotta start practicing them religiouslyyyy.


anw vvvvvvvday is coming and being a child at heart(although im still v young),we'r gg to theme park on sat sounds.so.exciting.

but may i propose to go esplanade after that for night picnic?(: whoo kewlll.

anw as i was speaking,i gotta learn to save money but this 'save money' campaign shall only begin on the day after tmr as tmr is (self proclaimed),'spend it all' day:D


right if i were to go on,this post will be deemed pointless as it already is.k folks g2g accompany my dad as we form our lil bookclub corner((;


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