Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bonjour people.
couldnt find any photos to upload,yet.at least not those taken in sentosa haha.wait til dee send over the rest of the pics and no karen,i didnt hide her td in my panties but i might though,if you keep pestering for it lol.k i shall return to her asap,remind me please cos i have a memory of an eighty year old and that reminds me of the movie'curious case of benjamin button' where he age,in reverse.i so wanna watch it like right nowwwwwwwwwwww !!
right so anw went to sentosa ystd and we did nothing much except,sun-tanning,failed attempts to play wc's (volley)ball,olging at hot hunks,get drenched in the rain though tried using the mat to shelter us(and no jolene i only stepped on your foot ONCE:D),played with seawater like some 5yr old kids(and delia got the biggest BOMBXZ!!!i meant cluster of seaweed and she got bitten by sth AHA serves you right delia((:) and urm did i mention i bloody spent $6.45 on a plate of
bloody chicken rice?!bloody hell.and and we showered in the open shower and it was damn funny and i cant even use words to describe how funny it was,HAHA.esp wc with her gatsby hair! and yeah thats bout all its nth much,really nothing much.
and today was movie with delia's friend and her friend's friends with delia and her friends,yeah all friends.not.whatever.anyway austraila was pretty hmm...mediocre?it was sooo entertaining that the guy who sat behind us start to snore,like really snore.pretty......hilarious.too bad karen you cant go cos you've missed out all the 'fun' we had woohoo!was really V FUN,not to mention bout the 1000 steps we took from forum to plaza sing.VVV FUN.but i guess cos no one knows each other so its pretty ahem,awkward(:. but still,it has a certain entertainment value to it,not really sure what i meant but yeah((:
i think thats bout all and if you've managed to read til here,i can tell you're as bored as me;D
and for your sake,i will update for you wheeeeee!
remember, just for you :D


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