Sunday, January 4, 2009

this is my virgin post.

i would like to dedicate this post to whoever is reading it now,especially those who have constantly begged(that'd be an overstatement actually ha!) me to update my old blog so,HERE IT IS ! STRAIGHT INTO YOUR FACE! YOUR LONG AWAITED POST IS FINALLY HERE WITH MUCH ANTICIPATION!! HAHAHA!!!!

aha aha.

five mins have passed and i have no idea what to blog just let me think bout it....AH!so tmr im going sentosa like finally! the last time ive been there was last yr,NO WAIT! it was last last year.oh my oh my its alr 2009 can you believe it?!

k thats all my fingers could take for happy holidays!! and it is only applicable for my fellow sec 4 students.HAH! while others sufferrrrrrr muahahahaaa.

ps:will blog again when i am bored(:


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